Recipe for homemade granola

Blend blueberries, buckwheat, flaxseed and coconut to make a magical granola with delicious vanilla tones. Then enjoy a healthy and tasty breakfast.

Recipe: Holistic

Blueberry granola

(1 plate)

You need:

  • 5 dl buckwheat
  • 1 dl of flaxseed
  • 2 dl water
  • 4 tbsp blueberry powder
  • 1 dl coconut chips or coconut flakes
  • 5 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp vanilla powder

How to do it:

Soak flax seeds in two deciliters of water in a bowl and let it swell between four and eight hours. Soak buckwheat in water for the same number of hours. Remove the water from the buckwheat and rinse thoroughly. Stir together the buckwheat, flaxseed and the rest of the ingredients. Season to taste with coconut sugar and blueberry powder. Spread the granola on a sheet of baking paper and dry in a drying oven or regular oven at 42 degrees for about eight to ten hours. When the granola is completely dry and can be broken into pieces, it is ready. Store at room temperature in a sealed jar.