Try threshold training for running

Become a more enduring runner through threshold training. Running coach Simon Forsberg teaches you all about the effective method.

If you want to become more enduring at high speeds and raise your lactic acid threshold, threshold training may be for you. This involves running for up to an hour at a pace you can manage without hitting the wall. Threshold training is not only for advanced runners, but is also suitable for regular exercisers.

- Threshold training suits everyone! "I do quite a lot of threshold training with all my clients regardless of what level they are at, especially the closer they get to the race," says Simon Forsberg, who runs Lö

Kan canyou explain in more detail what is meant by threshold training?

- Threshold training aims to achieve the highest possible heart rate and speed without attracting lactic acid, which means that you cannot maintain the high speed for a long time. It's good to know your threshold heart rate because a lower heart rate has less of an effect on fitness, and too high a heart rate will lead to fatigue and the need to slow down.

How do I know what my threshold heart rate is?

- There is no formula for calculating your threshold heart rate - it can range from 65-95% of your maximum heart rate - and it has to be tested. Threshold heart rate will vary over time, partly from day to day depending on your current condition, but also as your fitness level improves. A universal goal for runners is to push the threshold higher up in the heart rate range.

Why is it good to run threshold sessions?

- Interval training is usually done at a speed and heart rate above the threshold and this type of training has an even better effect on fitness, but threshold training makes you persistent at a high pace and also the recovery time is shorter than with high-intensity, long intervals. So you can develop your speed and endurance even though you don't need to develop your maximum oxygen uptake. The latter is an advantage for already skilled runners who need to work extremely hard to develop their maximum oxygen uptake, in which case threshold training plays a very important role.

How long do I need to rest after a threshold training session?

- After 48 hours you are usually fully recovered. Already after one or two days you can run a quality session again, such as intervals.

What can a threshold session look like?

- In many different ways! For example, you can run kilometer intervals at your target mile pace, which usually corresponds to your threshold pace and threshold heart rate. For example, it could be 6-10x1 kilometers. These threshold intervals can then be extended but less in number, such as 3x2 kilometers or 2x4 kilometers. Generally, 1-2 minutes of walking between threshold intervals is sufficient. Threshold sections can also be added in the latter part of long runs to develop pace endurance, for example 2x15 minutes in the second half of a two-hour long run. Last but not least, threshold can also be trained as a fast, short distance, such as 4-8 kilometers at threshold pace.


Simon Forsberg at Lö says that during a threshold session you should keep the pace (and corresponding heart rate level) that you can maintain for 45-60 minutes without having to pause or slow down.