Dress right for yoga!

Which clothes are best for yoga? What are the rubber blocks used for? And what equipment makes the practice an even better experience? Yoga expert Sara Granstöm guides you in the right direction. Namaste!

There are no rules about what to wear when you do yoga, in the same way that a football player is expected to wear shin pads. The fact that it's an unrestricted sport is great, but it also makes it a little trickier for you to know how you're expected to dress. The most important advice is to dress comfortably.

- As a woman, you can wear anything from tight leggings and sports tops to baggy Thai pants and loose-fitting T-shirts. "If the type of yoga you practice is more active, it can be practical to wear workout clothes that are a little tight, as the body needs to be able to move freely in all directions," says yoga teacher Sara Granström.
What about men?
- Guys usually wear shorts and T-shirts. You don't need any shoes during a yoga session, you practice barefoot to feel the floor and the mat under the soles of your feet and be able to work more consciously with all parts of your feet.
Besides the yoga mat, what equipment can you recommend?
- Personally, I am fond of the cotton mat that is often put on top of the rubber mat. It's a must if you train in warmer places and sweat a lot. It also works well to roll up and sit on during breathing or meditation practice.
Sometimes you can find "yoga blocks", which look like cork or rubber bricks in yoga halls. What can I use them for?
- Blocks are tools that can help you line up better anatomically, provide support in the positions and enable you to get more out of the exercises. They also reduce the risk of injury. Because people's bodies look different and because everyone comes to yoga training at different stages of life, it is important to be able to adapt the yoga positions to different conditions.