What is unique about Rehband's compression garments?

Perform better in training and recover faster with Rehband's sports compression garments. Here are the differences between theras clothing and other compression garments.

The popularity of compression clothing is growing and many brands are catching on to the trend. But before committing to a compression garment, Johan Bohlin, a physiotherapist and head of development for Rehband, recommends that you check whether the garment actually provides real compression.

- "The term 'compression garment' is not protected, so there is confusion in the market where manufacturers make underwear with some lycra in it and call it compression garments," he says.

The Swedish company Rehband was founded in 1955 and has one foot in medical research and one foot in the sports world. Photo: Press image

When Rehband developed their sports compression garments, they spent a lot of time finding a fabric that could withstand all the laboratory and functional tests the garments undergo.

- We use athletes at all stages of the tests. Since we do not make ordinary clothes, we come from the medical technology side, it means that we have a built-in higher requirement that our products should be developed based on the scientific evidence available, says Johan Bohlin, and continues:

- "From the beginning we have had the requirement that we should be the best. And when we were ready, we were, as we noticed both in our lab environments and through independent test institutes. We've tested the most popular brands on the market and found that our way of putting the garments together and our pattern construction provides a better adapted compression.

When should I use Rehband clothing?

- You should use compression clothing if you want to increase the speed at which your body comes up to working temperature when you start exercising. After activity, compression clothing is used to get rid of lactic acid and maintain increased blood circulation.

What are the benefits of wearing compression clothing when exercising?

- When you have compression around a body part, it increases the receptive input that senses how flexed the joints are and how tight the muscles are. That information goes up to the brain, which uses it for the next movement, resulting in better balance and a little more confidence in all movements. During activity, the compression also keeps the muscle pack more compact and that in itself is an energy-saving measure that allows you to do more because your body doesn't have to use as much energy.

If I have never used Rehband clothing, what should I try first?

- Then I suggest you try running in a pair of compression tights to feel what happens to your body. It's a great experience to feel a little stronger and fresher both during and after your workout. If you play a sport where you use both your lower and upper body a lot, I would recommend that you try both a shirt and a pair of tights.

How do I find the right size?

- It's very important that you don't think you're a certain size but that you check the size charts, they are carefully tested. The size charts are designed to give you exactly the right amount of compression, but I know that many people buy our shirts in a larger size because they think they press too much on the chest otherwise. Our lab tests and functional tests assume that you should have garments that are as tight as indicated in the size tables, but you get a good effect even if you have a slightly larger shirt. Our compression garments are suitable for both short and tall people because we have a four-way stretch in the material that really works.

How do I wash your compression garments?

- We have 40 degrees machine wash, without softener, on almost all products because we believe that you should be able to train in fresh stuff.

HERE you will find Sportamore's range of Rehband.