A guide for both beginners and experienced runners Running shoes - perhaps the most important tool when it comes to maximizing your running experience and minimizing the risk of injury. Whether you’re a beginner or have been running for a...
Weightlifting shoes are the heroes of the lifting world, offering an elevated heel for optimal lifting, a solid sole for unwavering stability, durable materials for long-lasting performance, and an improved lifting technique. Whether a must-have or a nice-to-have depends on...
We are thrilled to introduce Elmina, our esteemed ambassador and expert in the field of running. With an unparalleled passion for fitness and an extensive background in athletics, Elmina is the perfect fit to test and review running shoes from...
Product testOn Cloudmonster Meet Elmina, our running ambassador who's a personal trainer and a professional runner. As one of the top runners in Sweden, we see her as the perfect candidate to put these shoes to the test.Read Elmina's...
On Cloud X3 a shoe who's born from running, but made for everything. Meet Elin- our enthusiastic training ambassador. As Elin trains a lot of crossfit and mix running into her training we see her as the perfect candidate to put the On Cloud X3 to the...
Meet Elmina, our ambassador who's a PT and professional runner. Elmina started her running carrer when she bought a refridgirator and got a free bib for a 10km run! Today she is one of Swedens best runners. In this article...
An easy-to-follow-guide to improve your 10 km running time. Each week consists of 3 running sessions, 1 strength session and 1 bonus session. Spread out these sessions as well as you can. We recommend to schedule your resting after the...
The Sweaty Reality Sviti á meðan á æfingu stendur er eðlilegt, rétt eins og að verða þreyttur eða roði. Samt forðast ein af hverjum tíu konum að hreyfa sig vegna ótta við að líta sveitt út og hvernig litið verður...
Að finna rétta skóstærð af hlaupaskónum þínum er lykilatriði fyrir góða hlaupaupplifun, þó ekki alltaf auðvelt. Við höfum tekið saman bestu ráð hlaupasérfræðingsins um hvernig eigi að hugsa.