What the golf champion has in his bag

Felix Pålsson is this year's JSM winner for boys. This is what he has with him in his bag on the golf course.

Clubs, of course, you think, and that's right - 14 of them to be exact. But what else does Felix Pålsson carry around? He carries his bag, that's what he does.

- I think it's the most convenient. Most people have a trolley, but I prefer to walk without one. It's easier, I can get everywhere and it goes a little faster. It has become a routine. If I play 36 holes in one day, I might take the cart after 18 holes if I feel tired. Or if it's raining, then I don't get as wet.

What else do you have in your bag besides clubs?

- It's actually not much, five or six balls, water and some energy bars. That's almost everything. I've even gotten in trouble for not wearing rain gear when it was appropriate. I have as little as possible with me on the course. A lot of people have lots of gadgets and extra equipment, but I don't.

Have you ever experienced someone carrying something strange around?

- I played a competition a while ago and the guy in the same ball had a cooler with him full of several milk cartons that he was drinking. I have not seen that before.

If everything goes according to Felix Pålsson's plans, he could one day make a living from his golf and pay a caddie to carry his bag and help him on the course. But first, there is the final year of high school in Uppsala and then college in Alabama, USA.

- As a junior or amateur, you are not allowed to use a caddie, but it is clearly the goal to one day be able to make a living from golf and then have a caddie. But there is a long way to go and the competition is fierce on the tours.

Next on the schedule is the European Team Championships in Finland, where he is going with his five teammates as one of the favorites to win. Or maybe even the biggest favorite. In the World Cup earlier this year, the team came second after Japan.

- "We have a great team that will definitely fight for the victory, in the World Cup we were the best team from Europe," says Felix Pålsson.