Hey biscuit, are you crumbling?

Even if you've decided to give up bread, you don't have to go broke. Make healthy beetroot biscuits and enjoy them without the mess.

Recipe: Holistic

Beetroot biscuits

1 plate

You need:

3 dl flax seeds
6 dl water
4 tablespoons beetroot powder
2 tablespoons tamari (a type of soy)
2 teaspoons fennel seeds
2 teaspoons cumin
2 stalks of spring onion
2 teaspoons dried dill

Do as follows:

Soak the flax seeds in the water and let them swell for four to eight hours. Finely chop the scallions and mix with the tamari, beetroot powder and spices. Stir well until everything is mixed. Spread the batter on a sheet of baking paper and dry in an oven or drying oven at 42 degrees until the biscuits are dry and can be broken into pieces, which takes about eight hours.