Magazine Archive

"I train because I love my body"
Emma Igelström will complete her first triathlon, the Ironman in Kalmar in two weeks. The other participants will have to watch out during the race - she describes herself as an "extreme competitor" and a "long-distance bastard".
Hey biscuit, are you crumbling?
Just because you've decided to give up bread doesn't mean you have to. Make healthy beetroot biscuits and enjoy them without the crumbs.
The fashion mistakes you need to avoid on the running trail
Exercise is about your performance, not what you wear. But if you want to run in the fashionable lane on the trail, here are some fashion fails to avoid.
9 tips to get you through your first chin-up!
Chin up! Being able to pull up your own body weight is not impossible.
3 great spas - with gym
Go to a spa! Here are three tips for hotels with really great gyms, when you're tired of the whirlpool.
3 luxury tennis hotels you'll want to visit
Playing tennis is always great, but doing it at luxury restorts somehow magically makes it even more fun.
Pt-online how it works
Can't make it to the gym? Are you away during the week? Don't worry, the PT has moved online.
Reebok x Face Stockholm - a colorful love story
This fall's collection is the fifth that Face Stockholm has designed with Reebok. The successful collaboration has this time resulted in both makeup, shoes - and clothes.
Five reasons to meditate more!
Sleep better, perform better in the gym and stay healthy. All you have to do is meditate.
Dressing your child for winter play
Choosing clothes according to the weather is sometimes easier said than done. The three-layer principle helps you to put just the right amount of clothing on your children.
Dress right for yoga!
Yoga teacher Sara Granström knows exactly what to wear when doing sun salutations.
Five reasons to meditate more!
Sleep better, perform better in the gym and stay healthy. All you have to do is meditate.
Dress right for yoga!
Yoga teacher Sara Granström knows exactly what to wear when doing sun salutations.
Dressing your child for winter play
Choosing clothes according to the weather is sometimes easier said than done. The three-layer principle helps you to put just the right amount of clothing on your children.
Five reasons to meditate more!
Sleep better, perform better in the gym and stay healthy. All you have to do is meditate.
Dressing your child for winter play
Choosing clothes according to the weather is sometimes easier said than done. The three-layer principle helps you to put just the right amount of clothing on your children.
Dress right for yoga!
Yoga teacher Sara Granström knows exactly what to wear when doing sun salutations.
Five reasons to meditate more!
Sleep better, perform better in the gym and stay healthy. All you have to do is meditate.
3 recettes d'automne ovo-végétariennes à ne pas manquer
Pas d'inspiration culinaire ? Voici trois recettes ovo-végétariennes que vous pouvez manger pour le déjeuner et le dîner. La question est : est-ce que ce sera d'abord une salade, un bol ou un ragoût ?
La skieuse de fond Frida Karlsson nous parle de son arrêt de compétition et de son nouvel objectif de tout miser sur l'avenir
Après l'arrêt soudain de la compétition, elle est maintenant plus forte que jamais, extrêmement attachée à récolter de nouveaux succès en tant que skieuse. Rencontrez un paquet d'énergie et une source d'inspiration pas comme les autres.
Nous avons testé : les vestes d'automne chaudes pour lui
La température baisse à mesure que les jours s'assombrissent dehors. Il est temps de choisir la veste d'automne chaude. Voici quatre vestes nouveautés pour lui qu'est le meilleur des tests !